• CBSE Affiliation Code

  • School Code

  • admin@rkp.education

    8053034491, 8708959475

Admission is made strictly on the basis of a written test and /or interview.Parents are advised to check the application form carefully before signing it.
Documents required at the time of admission :

  1.  Copy of Birth Certificate
  2.  2 recent passport size photos of Father, Mother, Guardian, Student
  3.  Copy of Aadhar Card of student as well as parents
  4.  Original Online SLC (transfer certificate from the previous school)
  5. Report Card

* The school has the right to ask the students to leave the school on the following grounds:

  1.  Gross miscounduct or indiscipline.
  2.  Unsatisfactory academic progress.
  3.  Repeated detentions in the class.
  4.  Cheating in periodicals/terminal examinations.

*  The students who want to get admission in any other school due to any reason should fill their No Dues form with an application along with Rs. 200/- and submit the same to the Principal upto 31st March. Application must be signed by the parents.
*  To get SLC in mid session, one has to deposit the fee till that date.
*  Transfer certificate will not be issued until all dues of the school are settled.
*  SLC will be issued in a week's time after the clearance of the dues, if any.
*  Registration fee & Admission fee are non-refundable in any case.



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