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    8053034491, 8708959475

New teaching methodologies are changing the educational environments around the world and driving better academic performance among students. We, at RKP, have forged innovative approaches over the last 26 years that every 21st century teacher and school should be acquainted with. Some of them are: 

Flipped Classroom

One of the modern methodologies that has gained more popularity in recent years, Flipped Classroom is a pedagogical approach in which the traditional elements of the lesson taught by the teacher are reversed – the primary educational materials are studied by the students at home and, then, worked on in the classroom. The main objective of this methodology is to optimize time in class by dedicating it, for example, to meet the special needs of each individual student, develop cooperative projects or work on specific tasks.

Competency-based Learning

By definition, all learning methodologies have the acquisition of knowledge, the development of skills and the establishment of work habits as their main goals. Competency Based Learning (CBL) represents a set of strategies to achieve this. Through assessment tools such as rubrics, teachers at RKP go through the academic curriculum without significant deviations but focusing on it in a different way, putting into practice real examples and, thus, transmitting to their students a more tangible dimension of the lessons.

Cooperative Learning

“Stronger together” is a concept to imbibe the inter-personal skills in the students. It paves the smooth way to peer learning that creates healthy learning ambience. The proponents of this model theorize that working in a group improves the attention, involvement and acquisition of knowledge by students.

Experiential Learning

Bmemorizing facts and data when discussing education, one of the most talked about aspects is the need to show students how to work with the information they receive at school. We, at RKP, assist them to contextualize, analyze, relate, question & explores, in short, convert information into knowledge. This is one of the goals of RKP, developing thinking skills beyond memorization and, in doing so, facilitate the developing of develop effective intelligence, critical & creative thinking on part of the students.


Art as an Expression

Art is something we do, a verb. Art is an Aexpression of our thoughts, emotions, intuitions, and desires, but it is even more personal than that: it's about sharing the way we experience the world, which for many is an extension of personality. It is the communication of intimate concepts that cannot be faithfully portrayed by words alone. And because words alone are not enough, we must nd some other vehicle to carry our intent. But the content that we instill on or in our chosen media is not in itself the art. Art is to be found in how the media is used, the way in which the content is expressed. We, at RKP, integrate activities for the students to create artistic works to ensure their emotional health. In these exercises, the students express their feelings, emotions, and hobbies without neglecting the objective of the subject being taught.

Interdisciplinary Activities

The classroom is no longer a secluded atmosphere. The advancement of technology and communication has made school much more open to the outside world. A science classroom is no longer closed off to current events and can incorporate worldwide breakthroughs and discoveries the moment they happen. The same goes for Maths, Language Arts, History, and any other core subject. In this day and age, every classroom should be incorporating interdisciplinary activities, which are those that relate to more than one branch of knowledge. Keeping the very view, we focus on using interdisciplinary actions like Quiz, Role plays , Skits, Road shows beyond the classroom merely by adjusting the principles to match our students' specific needs.

Life skills through story telling

Education has transformed from the predictive measures of rote-learning to depending upon one's wit and skills to succeed. Today, where knowledge is growing at an exponential rate, it is futile on the part of teachers to work feverishly in teaching young people lessons that have no practical consequences. Instead, students need a further edge, not only to ace past competitors but also to represent intuitive citizens of a vivid tomorrow. The present generation desires life skills to endure and ourish in the 21st century. RKP designs its curriculum to imbibe the life skills in the students through various methods such as story - telling, work education and corporate learning.



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