• CBSE Affiliation Code

  • School Code

  • admin@rkp.education

    8053034491, 8708959475


As a parent, you are the first teacher and the most important influence on your child's growth and attitude towards learning. At RKP, we always emphasise strengthening the home–school connection that will inculcate a value system in your child, enhance his/her learning capacity and pace and teach him important life-skills from an early age. Keeping 3-way communication channel open between students, parents and mentors ensures two things : First, parents get to play a direct and active role in their child's growth and second, a message is conveyed to the child that school and education are extremely important.

Community and Campaigns

S tudent-Society Interface is an important platform of experiential learning. A conscious effort is made by all the teachers to make RKPians aware of the nuances of the problems facing their society, culture, community and village or otherwise. Field trips, social awareness competitions, recreational and educational tours, discussion of current affairs and group discussion are part of the overall exposure of students enabling the shaping of a responsible and responsive persona.



We as teachers, in whose care you place your child's early learning, take things forward, wearing several hats on the way; that of a guide, friend & sometimes even of a parent and remain with them at every step of the way, facilitating new experiences and opening windows to the new world for them.



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