• CBSE Affiliation Code

  • School Code

  • admin@rkp.education

    8053034491, 8708959475
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The LOGO of the school is made up of 5 elements, just like the universe, SNAKE, SWAN, LOTUS, WATER AND SUN. These elements in their true essence represent the vision of our organization. The Snake stands for Unity which we wish to bring in the society. We want our students to stand strong and united above all difference and work together not only for the betterment of the society but also for the nation. Swan represents the Almighty who is omnipresent & guides us along our path of truth, honesty and dedication. Furthermore, Lotus Portrays the devotion that each one of us should have not only for the Lord but also for our work which is our prime duty. Water emphasizes action which is a must to work for the progress and change for the betterment. Our ideas and thoughts are worthless if we can't turn them into Action. Lastly, Sun accentuates the need of Knowledge. Knowledge is of prime importance as it helps us function smoothly and effectively.

                Our mission in the true sense supports our vision which is facilitated by the clarion call of Swami Vivekanand namely "Awake, Arise, Great Souls" which urges us not to stop until we have accomplished our mission and achieved our vision.



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