We RKPians Are PROUD to be LED By....

Dear all, Let me use this space to express my sincere gratitude and offer my heartiest congratulations to parents, guardian and the students for reposing sterling faith in the mission of RKP and extending their ceaseless, steadfast and active cooperation in making it what it is today. The collective will and collaborative effort of all the stakeholders have made it possible for us to step into the 26th year of our painstaking but illustrious voyage with phenomenal success and elan.
The management of RKP has always tried to make school a hub of proactive education enthusiasts and not lackluster dumping ground of conventional duty-discharging information imparting, run-of-the-mill teachers. Salary packages have never been nor will ever be a constraint when it comes to roping in the services of the best teachers who after getting selected are further subjected to a rigorous on-job training, orientation and motivational programme to bring about a paradigm shift in the mindset, methodology, work culture and benchmarks to ensure analytical depth, critical appreciation & holistic understanding of the topics, problems & issues being dealt by them. And this has yielded rich dividends. Students are intellectually enlightened, emotionally balanced, well mannered, passionate, concerned, sensitive and dynamic souls with a killer instinct poised to embark on a high trajectory with a never-say-die spirit ready to overwhelm the world with their perfectionist and awe-inspiring performance and persona. But they are not mercenary robots or the go-getters. Qualities like gratitude, empathy, compassion, societal concerns, love for justice, peaceful existence and quintessential humanism occupy their mind space and dene them.
"Swami Vivekanand says, “Education is the manifestation of the perfection already existing in man.”
We, at RKP earnestly and religiously believe in the implications of the above philosophy. Young minds are impressionable blank sheet of paper, unsullied by preconceived notions and endowed with vast potential. We, teachers, in fact, inculcate in them higher tendencies and traits. Hence, we at R.K.P, endeavour to provide our students an ambience and a work culture wherein PERFECTION is the concept underlying and pervading all academic and co-curricular activities. A conscious and tangible effort is made to curb tendencies like rote learning, mechanical writing work and proclivities towards sub-standard work. I am of the view that students in their formative years if exposed to creative, dynamic, passionate and honest research oriented educators can be developed into amazingly talented souls. The aura, persona and modus operandi of such hand-picked enthusiasts can dramatically alter, inuence and shape perspectives and orientation of our students in cognitive, ethical, emotional and spiritual domains enabling them to face the challenges of modern ercely competitive globalised world of 21st century more effectively.
At last, all I can say is that our benchmark of perfection will go on evolving with every passing academic session. You will have an opportunity to witness a better and better version of RKP.
Mr. Ravinder Dangi