• CBSE Affiliation Code

  • School Code

  • admin@rkp.education

    8053034491, 8708959475

  NSS Unit @ RKP

To develop community consciousness among students, the National Service Scheme unit was introduced in RKP in the year 2015. We are proud to share that since then the school has been organising successful NSS camps every year. The NSS unit consists of 100 student volunteers headed by School NSS Coordinator. Through NSS, the students get opportunities to see the community closely and thus get an experience of human nature in relation to his/her environment. The unit at the school aims to make NSS students better citizens keeping in mind the motto 'Not Me, But You' and by developing their personality through community service. It envisages different activities aiming at instilling discipline, character building and development of the spirit of integrity and patriotism.
















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