Competition with self:
Evaluating oneself is a comprehensive and continuous process at
RKP. We always focus on learning right than learning fast. We do not let a
child succumb to competitive pressures. We understand and respect that every
child has his or her own rate of growth and learning pace. We believe in
providing a stress-free environment.
Keeping in mind, the importance of the right kind of education, we
have a team that is solely dedicated to formulating a well-organized, quality
academic curriculum and dividing them into simplified modules for better-phased
learning. We make use of innovative and activity-based global best practices to
ensure the actualization of the curriculum goal. We continuously work upon
innovating the most effective learning tools.
At R.K.P students are exposed to the environment which gives them
the opportunities to learn things with the cosmopolitan approach. They are
given the chance to experience the real-time situation, observe the logic
behind the mechanism and make their own analytical observation. Teachers only
act as facilitators in this process. The child as a result becomes a
co-constructor of knowledge rather than a passive recipient of a series of
information bombarded in quick succession.